The event was founded in 2014 and was verified By Guinness World Record as
The Largest Sailing Race in the World.
Sailing venues around the world engaged with the
campaign by agreeing to organise a sailing event during the Bart’s Bash period (17th 18th September ).
Bart’s Bash has seen more than 45,000 sailors participate in the event in 62 Countries
across the 2 years.
We hope that in years to come, we can grow the event to be even bigger and
continue to help raise awareness of the sport!
The race details will be set locally by each venue, but are not onerous - we expect
many of the club venues may use one of their normal morning races as their Bart’s Bash race.
Through our new Bart Number handicap system we collect information on entries, results,
boats, courses distance and conditions.
We use that information to provide an overall
results using ‘corrected speed’ in a pioneering results system… please note that
ultimately this is fun and not a precise science!
There is no fee for being part of this incredible results service, but if individual
sailors truly want to feel you have been part of the big picture we hope you will want
to make a donation to be a part of it. Of course everyone can make it so much more than that -
you and your venue can raise more money for the charity through sponsorship or other events
on the day.
Our partner, Justgiving.com is a charity fund raising website that will collect your
sponsorship money on our behalf, making it very easy wherever you are in the world -
details are included in the sign up process.
We hope together we can make a difference and help bring sailing to many more
people that have not yet been lucky to experience it.